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A crisis communication plan is an essential resource for any organisation. An Alder crisis communication plan is a bespoke manual that contains step-by-step instructions, practical tips and draft communications that ensure organisations can deal with the communication demands of any crisis.

During a crisis, one of the most difficult things to navigate is the pressure of time, and a situation quickly becomes very difficult to handle when an organisation is ‘playing catch-up’. With a crisis communications plan, your team will have more time to devote to priorities. It is reassuring for our clients to know that they have prepared for the most likely risks to their organisation and have, through their crisis communications manual, the frameworks, knowledge, and practical advice in place to manage a crisis if it does occur.

At Alder, we develop crisis communications plans for our clients across a range of sectors, ensuring that they are fully prepared for a variety of challenging and complex situations that may arise at any moment.

    Crisis Communications Manual – Our method

    Alder develops a crisis communication plan by combining an in-depth consultancy with a bespoke analysis of the organisation from our specialist partners, who bring decades of experience handling crises across a range of sectors. We draw upon our real-life experience of the highest-profile media stories and apply it to the possible scenarios an organisation may find themselves in.

      Improving your crisis communications manual

      Your crisis communications manual should be a working document and regularly updated depending on likely scenarios your organisation could face. It may also need to be updated when there are changes to leadership or external factors, such as regulatory updates, that may impact your crisis response. Reviewing your plan just after facing a crisis is also an opportunity to review what worked well and what, if anything, can be improved.

      Training is also a useful way to build resilience and strengthen your crisis protocols. It will enable you to test your crisis response plan and prepare your team for real situations. Alder offers a range of training options designed to equip teams with the confidence to respond in a crisis.

      Using real-life scenarios and both technical and practical methods, we will ensure you are equipped with the right knowledge to tackle a crisis head-on, and your crisis communications manual will be at the forefront of this.

        Get in touch

        Our clients rely on us to manage a wide range of sensitive issues. For a free, no-obligation conversation, please phone us on 020 7692 5675 or email us on [email protected], and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

          Frequently Asked Questions

          Why is a crisis communications manual important?

          A crisis communication plan is an essential resource for any organisation. It provides in-house teams with draft communications, clear protocols, and defined roles. In turn, this enables swift and coordinated responses that will mitigate reputational damage and maintain stakeholder trust, giving senior leaders both clarity and reassurance in what can often be a very chaotic time

          Whether it is the inappropriate timing of a statement, the acceptance of liability, or the failure to sympathise with affected parties, communications in a crisis have the potential to make or break an organisation’s long-term reputation – one mistake at a crucial time can define an organisation forever. A crisis communications plan minimises these risks and ensures that should a crisis occur, an organisation already has the guidance, contacts, and templates to navigate the complex situation at hand.