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Many issues that an organisation will face won’t be sudden incidents. Instead, they will be issues built into the institutional fabric – problems with employee behaviour, leadership, discrimination, or staff satisfaction.

Given culture issues are more likely to be chronic, remedial action is often more likely to be shelved. However, organisations should not be naïve to the serious reputational threat that workplace culture issues pose.

Our method

It’s important to maintain a workplace culture where issues can be identified and resolved quickly and responsibly. Our culture audit analyses a range of indicators to identify and resolve behavioural and cultural problems and your reputational risk profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does workplace culture affect reputation?

The culture of an organisation plays an important role in its exposure to reputational risk.

If dynamics of an organisation’s working environment – e.g., lacking mutual respect, inclusive and non-discriminatory cultures, or complaints processes that employees trust – then this not only will increase an organisation’s risk of negative media coverage but will also risk compromising stakeholder relationships and public confidence.

It is therefore important for senior leaders to be front-footed and respond to workplace culture issues before they escalate into media investigations.

What type of organisation needs a culture audit?

It would be a mistake to think only large corporations with cultural problems make headlines.

A poor workplace culture can affect an organisation of any size, and a toxic culture left untreated will frustrate and demoralise employees. Every responsible employer should ensure they have a strong grasp of their reputational vulnerabilities, a clear sense of their cultural shortcomings, and where necessary a strategy for improvement to enable a front-footed approach to potential enquiries.

Get in touch

Our clients rely on us to manage a wide range of sensitive issues. For a free, no obligation conversation please phone us on 020 7692 5675 or fill the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.