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Case Study

Strategic plan for an NHS Foundation Trust following a negative CQC rating

How we helped an NHS trust manage a negative CQC inspection report.

Text Case Study typed on retro typewriter

The Problem

The trust had suffered reputational damage following a series of in-patient safety incidents and negative CQC ratings. Alder was engaged by the CEO to work with the trust’s lawyers to develop a strategic plan for responding to complex legal and regulatory cases, including CQC inspections and inquests.

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The Solution

We found a significant element of cross-departmental dysfunction regarding patient safety incidents and communications with grieving families. We adopted a ‘families first’ strategy and chaired weekly inter-departmental meetings for forward planning and crisis communication fundamentals.

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The Result

Alder has overseen improvements in family liaison and provided bespoke communication plans for individual legal cases, and stakeholder engagement advice on CQC matters.

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